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Palm Desert

Lighting Maintenance Palm Desert

Lighting Maintenance Palm DesertHorizon Lighting is proud to announce our new location for Lighting Maintenance Palm Desert! Although we have been serving the Coachella Valley for many years from our headquarters in Orange County, we are now a local business with the opening of our new office in Palm Desert.We are fully licensed and insured and ready to provide your Lighting Maintenance Palm Desert. Horizon Lighting is a full service Lighting and Electrical company offering many available services. We opened our doors in 1993 and are a three generation family owned and operated business. Although we are best known for Lighting Maintenance, we offer so much more including the following:

  • Ultrasonic Pole Inspection

  • Infrared Panel Inspection

  • LED Pool Lighting

  • LED Lighting

  • New Construction Install

  • Full Electrical Services

  • Lighting Design

  • Landscape Lighting

  • Energy Efficiency

Please ask us about more!

We would love the opportunity to review your property and let you know what we can provide you with in terms of Lighting Maintenance Palm Desert! It does not cost a thing for us to submit you a proposal. We can customize a contract to suit your needs offering once a month, twice a month, bi monthly and quarterly options.  On our monthly Lighting Maintenance inspections, we will check for any additional repairs or liability issues and submit proposals for your approval accordingly. Not only do we service HOA’s, we also specialize in Commercial property accounts.  If you are not interested in Lighting Maintenance at this time, we would be happy to help you with any projects you may have, or both. Our experienced team of uniformed professional technicians is standing by and will be at your service at a moment’s notice. Our job is to make your job easier.

Call us today (877) HORIZON. Let us provide you with a proposal for Lighting Maintenance Palm Desert!

Topic: Lighting Maintenance Palm Desert